24ColorCard FAQ

Will it work with Photoshop ?

Yes, the 24ColorCards will work with Photoshop.

Here is a simple procedure for using the 24ColorCard with Photoshop:
[ Note: It is CS4 specific but should work with most other versions ]

Step #1: take your photos
  • Shoot the GreyBalanceCard and set the camera's Custom White-Balance
  • Photograph the 24ColorCard mostly filling the image frame
  • Shoot any other photos you like using these same lighting conditions
Step #2: in Photoshop
  • Bring up the 24ColorCard photo in Photoshop CS4
  • Crop the image to include only the color patches of the 24ColorCard
  • Open the Levels Adjustment option and click the Auto adjustment option
  • Select Save Levels Preset from the flyout menu and specify a filename
  • Load a new photo shot in the same lighting conditions as the 24ColorCard
  • Select Levels Adjustment option then Load Levels Preset