Camera Analysis ...

How does the CT-EyeChart© Test work ?
  • Imagine a random pattern of precisely printed characters ... And then ...
    1. Shrink the pattern with PhotoShop so they are only 50% readable ... And ...
    2. Photograph the original pattern from a distance so they are only 50% readable.
    3. This makes the test independent of the image content.
  • The PhotoShop image will be near-pertect while the photograph will be fuzzy.
  • If the PhotoShop and Photograph images require the same number of pixels ...
    • Then they would have equal visual clarity.
  • However, if the photographic image requires more pixels, then ...
    • The camera has a lower visual clarity than its Mpix rating!
  • Digital camera Clarity does not equal Mpix Rating !
  • Under full-auto JPEG mode, a DSLR Clarity is only about Half !
    • Surprised ?